About Us

About SCC
Social Care Consortium Limited (SCC) is a specialist domiciliary care agency that operates successfully in London and home counties. SCC provides care to both direct payment users and private clients.
We are a friendly, dedicated company committed to provide excellent care services to our service users - 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. ​We're understanding and flexible, willing to respond quickly to any changing circumstances. We will do our utmost to help you in your hour of need.

When you choose Social Care Consortium, we guarantee you the following:
Individual care plans structured and tailored specifically for you.
Compassionate and caring staff.
Regular follow-ups by Management to ensure that our service is meeting your needs.
Prompt replies and genuine efforts to resolve any of your concerns or complaints.
Copy of your records on submission of written request.
Full compliance with data protection and relevant legislations.
Excellent customer service.
​Value for money.​​